Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Holiday eBook Special!
Get 25% off 21 Days to Better Balance for the last 21 days of 2012: http://bit.ly/H6VBnj Coupon Code: DU46V
Happy Holidays!
The Ambassador of Goodwill
Monday, October 1, 2012
Commencement Keynote: The Power of Choice
Commencement Keynote to Globe University: September 28, 2012
Michael Thomas Sunnarborg, Ambassador of Goodwill
"Thank you for the kind introduction and thank you for inviting me to speak today. I'm very pleased to be here to join you in celebrating this wonderful occasion.
Graduates of 2012 – this celebration is for you. Congratulations!
Like you, I have also sat in the same chair—wearing my cap and gown, and trying to get my mind around such a unique and meaningful event. I remember sitting there and reflecting upon my experiences: where I’d been, what I’d accomplished, and how long I had dreamt of this moment. I also remember taking a deep breath and then exhaling into the realization that I had finally done it. The hard work and dedication had paid off, and I had earned the right to breathe again. Anyone who saw me that day could tell you it was pretty hard to wipe the smile off my face.
Graduation is, indeed, a milestone—a map tack on the journey of life—and it signifies the accomplishment of a dream. This day is, and will forever be, a significant part of your life—and something you will never forget. In fact, this accomplishment—this educational achievement—will serve you for the rest of your days… even when you don’t consciously realize it. The experience of a college education is a permanent investment in yourself.
I would also imagine that many of you are pondering the same question that was on my mind when I was in your shoes.“Now what?” After so many days, weeks, months, and even years of reading, writing, speaking, questioning, and having those “light bulb moments”, it can suddenly be difficult to imagine what to do with all of this new "free time"... or is it? So often the events of our lives fill in the gaps, and we rarely have time to stop and appreciate the transition. In addition, the idea of not knowing where this education will take you, or how you will use it, can also be disconcerting... or it can be exciting. It’s your choice.
It was George Bernard Shaw who said, "Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." So what was Shaw saying? And what did he really mean? Shaw understood the creative potential that's within each and every one of us to create our own reality, and that the power to create our lives is already within us. We only need to become aware of our power, and then put it to good use.
So as I stand here before you and speak today, I'd like to take a moment to remind you of something important—something I want you to remember as you open a new blank page and begin creating the next chapter of your life. You have something very powerful on your side. It is a gift that everyone is born with; and it is something you are using on a daily basis. This gift—when understood and used wisely—will assist you in creating whatever experience you desire.
This gift is your power of choice. Your choices have the largest impact on your life and your future. So my question to you today is: What are you choosing? And how are those choices creating your life experience?
Stop and think about it for a moment. How did you get here today? You chose it. How did you decide what clothes to wear? You chose them. And how did you finish all of your homework instead of watching American Idol or camping out on Facebook all night? You chose it.
Our lives are filled with a constant stream of choices, and our choices are always changing. Technology has given us with access to information like never before—which means an onslaught of new choices. And with this explosion of information has come the problem of “choice overload”. Luckily, our power to choose includes our ability to unplug whenever necessary; to walk away from our computer; to put down our mobile phone; to turn off the TV; to say, "No thank you, I need some quiet time.” It's your choice.
Your choices create your relationships. The gift of your time and attention has become priceless. You can lock yourself away in your home, your office, your living room, bedroom, and even within your imagination... or you can keep the doors of your mind open to the wealth of knowledge and experience of the people who already surround you. You can take the time to appreciate the value of your friends, colleagues, and families—you can listen to their stories and glean the benefit of their wisdom. You can look into their eyes, listen to the tone of their voice, and see the expressions on their faces. It's your choice.
Your choices create your personality. For example, your attitude is a choice. Is the glass half empty or half full? Is it a crisis or catharsis? There is tremendous power in perspective. Your attitude determines your altitude. By reframing your perspective, problems can be turned into opportunities—and understanding your power means knowing you can always choose again. So do you accept your choices—all of them? Do you realize the value of lessons learned? Do you allow yourself to be caught up in the minutia of emotion, or do you have the ability to "rise above it" and see your problems from a higher perspective? Once again, it's your choice.
Your actions are also choices. Newton's Law states that, "to every action there is a reaction". We are all naturally wired to be reactive—a function of the human brain designed to protect the body from harm. But it is our ability to respond to our reactions which activates our power of choice. Reacting is natural; but responding is thoughtful. Our power of choice lets us decide how to act, knowing that many times the results of our actions—though full of good intentions—do not always turn out as planned. You can either learn from your choices or you can continue to repeat the same mistakes. It's your choice.
In the same way, your words—some of your most powerful tools—have a direct and significant impact on your experience and the experience of others. Like our actions, our words can also have immediate results. Take, for instance, the word “No”—or the word, “Yes.” Whereas we may see them as opposites, they're merely words—yet they give powerful direction and feedback regarding our choices. The ability to choose our words wisely becomes more critical as we begin to realize their lasting power. Words can uplift and encourage. Words can also belittle and destroy.
In addition, knowing when to act and when to speak are also choices. Sometimes nothing is the best thing to say and often the best thing to do. It's your choice.
The power to create yourself is in always in your hands. Just as a captain commands a great ship, you are the master of your own vessel, and your choices are mapping your direction. There will be times when you are directly in alignment with your desired destination, and there will be times when you are unsure. The seas of life aren't always calm and tranquil. You will experience thunderstorms of contrast and winds of adversity, and your ship will be tested. But if you lose your way, you can always return to the guidance that's already within you. Your internal compass will always point to true north—but you must look at it.
Class of 2012—I believe in you and I believe you can make anything happen. Choose to savor the moments and memories with those around you. Choose to shine your light in world that so often feels dark and misguided. Choose to live your life to its fullest and believe that those you love, also love you. And along your journey, pay attention to your choices, learn from your mistakes, and keep applying the wisdom you gain to experience the joy and freedom that your amazing power of choice brings.
Sail onward into the world with calm confidence, and strive to make a positive and lasting difference. For this is what we are all here to do.
Remember: It's your choice.
Thank you."
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Passion on Purpose
"Your true passion should feel like
breathing; it's that natural."
Oprah Winfrey
"Wow! Just look at her go!" I exclaimed as I saw the exuberant musician attack her instrument during a performance of Shostakovich's Cello Concerto No. 1 at Orchestra Hall. "Now that's passion in action." What had started in a demure and proper way—cellist dressed in a fancy evening gown with cello in-hand and hair styled neatly—quickly turned into a flurry of fingers, strings, a relentless bow, and hair flying everywhere. Alisa Weilerstein was in her element.
Passion? Undoubtedly. But do we all play the cello? Of course not. However, whether it's playing music, building a shed, or teaching a class, discovering and incorporating passion into our lives and work is something we can do easily—that is, if we are aware of what our passion is.
Discovering our passion first starts with awareness. How do we find our passion? A quick support is Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose, by Chris and Janet Bray Attwood. The Attwoods take you through the process to help you find and activate your passion. They even have a simple test on their website. Awareness starts with recognizing passion in others as well ourselves. Think of those times you felt happy or at peace. What were you doing? Who were you with? What environment where you in?
Finding passion in your life is a key essential to well-being and purpose. Like finding better balance, passion is a natural part of who we already are—it's always inside of us. We just need to pay attention and notice what it feels like. We can connect with our passion more easily when we are in alignment.
Do you think passion has a role in the workplace? According to the 2011 Deloitte Shift Index Survey, passionate people were twice as likely to be 'energized' or 'inspired' by unexpected challenges in the workplace than those who were disengaged. This is a prime indicator that being passionate about what we do and who we are makes a different. Deloitte's study also revealed that passionate employees constantly seek to stimulate new thinking and creativity. And what company doesn't need more of that?!
Since passion is something that is dynamic, we can learn to activate our passion by incorporating it into what we already do. For example, if you love cooking, you don't necessarily have to be chef for a living, but you could volunteer to cook for an upcoming fundraiser or charity event. How about if your passion is sports? Your passion for football can put you in a state of joy by coaching your son's football team. Be creative!
Above all else, remember that passion is a part of who you already are—a part of your core and sense of purpose. Reconnecting with yourself, your gifts, and your happiness will always help bring more passion into your life on purpose.
Read more about living your passion on purpose in my third book, 21 Keys to Work/Life Balance, coming in 2013!
Connect with yourself; connect with others; connect with the world.
The Ambassador of Goodwill
work/life balance
Monday, August 27, 2012
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Goodreads Book Giveaway
21 Steps to Better Relationships
by Michael Thomas Sunnarborg
Giveaway ends September 15, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
New Arrival!
The Creative Workshop Central is pleased to announce the arrival of the book, 21 Steps to Better Relationships: Find More Balance with Others, at an online bookstore near you!
21 Steps... delivers 21 bite-sized portions of inspiration designed to help you find better balance in your relationships—regardless of who they are. Find links to the books and eBooks at: 21stepstorelationships.com, or at Amazon and other online retailers.
I am looking forward to hearing the stories of how 21 Steps to Better Relationships is helping YOU find more balance in your connections with others. Remember: it all starts with you. Connect with yourself; Connect with others; Connect with the world.
To Your Better Balance!
The Ambassador of Goodwill
21 Steps... delivers 21 bite-sized portions of inspiration designed to help you find better balance in your relationships—regardless of who they are. Find links to the books and eBooks at: 21stepstorelationships.com, or at Amazon and other online retailers.
I am looking forward to hearing the stories of how 21 Steps to Better Relationships is helping YOU find more balance in your connections with others. Remember: it all starts with you. Connect with yourself; Connect with others; Connect with the world.
To Your Better Balance!
The Ambassador of Goodwill
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Soften Your Stance
Excerpt from 21 Steps to Better Relationships, Step 19: Soften Your Stance
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex,
and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot
of courage—to move in the opposite direction.
Albert Einstein
and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot
of courage—to move in the opposite direction.
Albert Einstein
We are all gifted with powerful thoughts, feelings, and
intuition. Taking time to listen to our intuition and choose responses to our
thoughts and feelings wisely will increase our chances of experiencing
harmonious interactions. To soften your
stance is to step back from your natural impulse to speak or act with power
and force and either choose a gentler response or none at all. Sometimes
nothing is the best thing to say and often the best thing to do.
When we soften our stance, we become aware of the impact we
have on those around us and learn to respond in appropriate and effective ways.
Even when we are very passionate about something—which can create more
intensity and enthusiasm—we can consciously choose to pause, breathe, and think
before speaking or acting. By calming ourselves and resting in our perspective,
we can choose how to respond to our thoughts and feelings with calm confidence.
Our interactions with others provide the best opportunities
for us to learn about ourselves. Through observation and feedback, we can learn
how to soften our stance and pay attention to our approach. We can learn to
discern between impulse and intuition, see the bigger picture, and consider our
options before our actions.
Soften your stance to give
yourself and others more room to connect fully.
Heidi is a well-respected and powerful senior manager of a
Fortune 500 corporation. She has risen to the top of every team she’s managed
and is known to speak her mind when action is needed. Since she is a natural
problem solver, people come to Heidi for solutions. Over the years, however, Heidi
began to feel overwhelmed, and her relationships with co-workers and
supervisors became difficult and stressed.
When Heidi learned she could soften her stance, she had a
personal epiphany. Her natural inclination was to be vocal and outspoken, but
she realized that she didn’t always need to share her thinking. Heidi realized
she could pick and choose where and when to focus her energy. When she
committed to not doing and saying her
first impulse, others around her were able to step up. Within a month, Heidi's
blood pressure went down, her happiness went up, and her relationships
improved. Heidi discovered a new type of personal power.
In which areas of your relationships could you
benefit from learning to soften your stance?
In what ways might softening your stance change
your connections with others?
Call to Action: Get
More Flies With Honey
Tired of pushing your
pitch? Remember that we learn the most by sharing ideas through collaboration
rather than collision. This week, pay attention to the next time you’re asked
to take action or you’re trying to get your point across. Pause, think, and try
softening your stance. Notice how it shifts your energy and the energy between
you and others.Find links to the books and eBooks of "21 Steps to Better Relationships" beginning August 15, 2012, at 21stepstorelationships.com
The Ambassador of Goodwill
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Enact Love
Here is another excerpt from my forthcoming book, 21 Steps to Better Relationships, set for release August, 15, 2012. Find it at 21stepstorelationships.com. Enjoy!
Step 21: Enact Love
To give pleasure to a
single heart by a single act
is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
Mahatma Gandhi
is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
Mahatma Gandhi
Love in action is the highest form of love. If you’ve heard
the phrase “Actions speak louder than words,” then you know the important role
that action takes. Thinking loving thoughts is a great start; feeling love in
your heart is even better; speaking and acting out of love is as good as it
Love in action takes many forms. The gift of your time and
attention is love in action. Showing your interest is love in action. Listening
with an understanding heart is love in action. Telling someone how much they
mean to you is love in action. Standing by someone when times are tough is love
in action. When you demonstrate love in action, you seek the best in all
situations; you encourage and support others unconditionally.
Love in action provides mutual benefits—both the giver and
receiver benefit by the joy that love produces. When we act from love, we
reconnect with the love in ourselves, and this keeps our frequency in alignment
with a state of peace and joy. When love comes first, actions will follow.
Activation of the love within you
creates loving attitudes, actions, and words.
· How are you thinking, acting, and speaking in
loving ways in your relationships?
· What might be some ways you can increase loving
thoughts, actions, and words to bring more balance and harmony in your
Call to Action: Act
Take time this week to send
someone you love a card, email, or text message, or pick up the phone and tell
them how important they are to you. If you’re comfortable telling them you love
them, then go ahead. Otherwise, think loving thoughts and speak loving
words—choose words that uplift and encourage. Feel how much love is a part of
your relationships and the important role it plays in keeping those connections
The Ambassador of Goodwill
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Walk in My Shoes
Here is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, 21 Steps to Better Relationships, being released August 15, 2012. Enjoy!
Could a greater miracle
take place than for us
to look through each other's eyes for an instant?
to look through each other's eyes for an instant?
Henry David Thoreau
If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “Take a walk in my shoes,”
you knew the person saying it was asking you to see things from their
perspective. The power of perspective is in our perceptions—what we know and
believe based on what we’ve previously experienced. Since the diversity of our
cultures, climates, and customs creates so many variations of our unique life
experiences, we are never done learning. By maintaining a perspective of
curiosity, we open ourselves to the perspectives of others. These lessons often
come in the form of shared stories and opinions. This is wisdom passed forward.
Learning to appreciate differences helps us to make
connections with people who have different viewpoints, beliefs, and experiences.
Appreciating perspective practices compassion and builds trust. When we express
empathy, we make a deep and valuable connection with someone’s feelings and demonstrate
respect for their perspective. This builds a foundation of trust in new
relationships and strengthens trust in our existing ones.
In relationships with healthy and balanced communication, we
can compare our perspectives, beliefs, and opinions without fear of rejection.
Sharing similar perspective is a form of validation. The phrase, “Been there,
done that,” is a great example of a quick way to make a connection with someone
with which whom you share a similar perspective. Appreciating perspective is a
fundamental skill in collaboration. Utilizing our active listening skills gives
us access to new information and insights previously unknown in our own
experience, and allows us the opportunity to expand our knowledge.
Activating perspective keeps
you open to new understanding within relationships.
The next time you speak with someone, imagine where they are coming
from. If they’re telling you a story, imagine how they are feeling. If they
offer an opinion, ask them for more clarification or meaning. Really seek to
understand them and their thoughts and feelings. Take a walk in their shoes,
and learn to truly appreciate their perspective. It will change your
The Ambassador
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Appreciating Differences
As I look out into our world and see so many recent personal and political debates over inclusion, prejudice, and judgment, I can't help but feel bewildered that so many people still aren't able to see our differences as strengths, and not shortcomings. So today I'm going to share a story that may help put this into better perspective.
An Old Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole
which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it
while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of
water. At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the
cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on
daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of
water. The perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments and the
poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection and miserable that
it could only do half of what it had been made to do.
After two years
of what it perceived to be bitter failure, the cracked pot spoke to the woman one day
by the stream."I'm ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side
causes water to leak out all the way back to your house." The old woman
smiled, "Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path,
but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known
about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and
every day while we walk back, you water them. For two years I have been
able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you
being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the
Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and
flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and
rewarding. You've just got to accept each person for what they are and
look for the good in them.
Take time to value and appreciate your relationships with others, for there you will find the harmony, unity, and balance of our unique diversity and color.
Thank you to my friend in South Africa for sharing this story with me!
The Ambassador
Friday, May 18, 2012
It's Called T-mail
The energetic Universe is larger and more complex than we can possibly imagine, and although there are many things we cannot "prove" scientifically, we can still experience them. If you know about personal frequencies and how each of us is an energy source emitting vibrations--much like radio stations--you will understand that thinking of someone sends out an energetic signal. This signal, in turn, can be received and interpreted as either a thought, image, or response. Sort of like when we say our nose itches or our ears are burning, we have the potential to equate an energetic response as a vibrational feeling when someone is thinking of us. Perhaps this may be an urban legend or old wive's tale, but interesting nonetheless. Plus, it's kind of fun. And why not have fun with the unexplained?!
So the idea of "t"-mail is simply "thought" mail--a fun way to describe the feeling of a message sent and received to one another through our thoughts.
Whether it's sending and receiving t-mail, or simply focusing our thoughts to create a positive experience, our thoughts are major contributors to our life experiences. And if we remember that our thoughts form the basis for our attitudes, actions, and words, whatever we pay attention to will expand. So be sure and choose wisely which thoughts you focus on throughout your day.
Learn more about your thoughts, personal frequency, and the frequencies of others in 21 Days to Better Balance--and how becoming aware of your thoughts can help you find better balance in your mind, body, and spirit.
Have you checked your t-mail today? :o)
The Ambassador
Friday, March 30, 2012
Foresight is 20/20
While we hope to learn our lessons from past events or circumstances that didn't turn out the way we expected or left a negative impression on us, we generally don't try to repeat the same mistakes on purpose (though some old habits do, indeed, die hard)—but lessons learned equates to wisdom gained. With our experiences we have the ability to make new and better choices in the future. But what is that prompt? That nudge? It's our intuition—that little voice inside which says it knows what's best for us.
Intuition is the language of our spirit—a connection to God, Source Energy, Creator, the Divine, the Universe, or whichever name you use to describe a power greater than any one of us. The voice of our intuition is quiet and often difficult to hear. We can become aware of our intuition by taking the time to listen to our thoughts, acknowledge our feelings, and create a space for our intuitive voice to be heard.
Think of intuition like a compass. If we are hiking and need direction, a compass gives us feedback about our current position in relationship to North. With this knowledge, we can reset our course with confidence and return to our journey. Our intuition is like a spiritual compass and will always point to our inner truth—our True North.
Take time this week to get in touch with the quiet voice of your intuition. As you begin to add intuition to your thoughts and feelings you will come into better balance and alignment with yourself—and you'll start to realize the role intuition plays in your daily decisions.
Harness the power of your thoughts, feelings, and intuition. Then use that power to see your choices more clearly, and experience that foresight can also be 20/20.
The Ambassador
Start off spring by "spring cleaning" within! Read more about your intuition in 21 Days to Better Balance and put yourself back into alignment. Now also available on Amazon.com and Smashwords.com.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Things We Can Learn from A Dog
Sometimes, finding better balance in our day can be as simple as spending time with a favorite pet. Let's take a moment to remember some simple things we can learn from our furry canine friends:
1. Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
2. Allow the experience of fresh air and wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
3. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
4. When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
5. Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
6. Take naps and stretch before rising.
7. Run, romp, and play daily.
8. Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
9. Be loyal.
10. Never pretend to be something you're not.
11. If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
12. When someone's having a bad day, be silent, sit close and nuzzle gently.
13. Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
14. Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
15. On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
16. When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
17. If you’re scolded, don't pout... run right back and make friends.
18. Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
19. Learn to adapt to change quickly and naturally.
20. Appreciate those people who can scratch the itch you can’t reach.
Amazing what our animal friends can teach us!
The Ambassador
Thursday, February 23, 2012
3 Steps To Better Balance
Finding better balance? Really? Where? I thought if I work hard enough I will arrive at a state where my life is in harmony with my desires, right?
Almost. In actuality, finding better balance is a process of returning to a natural state within us. We are born in a state of equilibrium: the mind, body, and spirit have been designed to work in harmony. It's just that as we grow, we absorb the fear of the world and begin to lose our alignment—our 'centered'ness—which contributes to our feelings of being out of balance.
So how do we return to a state of better balance? By removing the barriers to balance within us, many of them created by our own thoughts and behaviors. As I started writing about balance over 15 years ago I knew there must be a way to break old patterns and return to a healthier balanced state. In my book 21 Days to Better Balance, I highlight several of the ways I’ve found that have had the largest impact on my balance. Sometimes the best teacher is our own experience.
Much like eating a meal a bite-at-a-time, the book is portioned into 21 themes, each designed to bring you back into better balance with your mind (thoughts); body (feelings); and spirit (intuition). The themes are divided into a three-step process. Here is a quick review the 3 steps and the accompanying themes:
Themes: Thoughts, Feelings, Intuition, Frequency, Fear, Time, Flow
Themes: The Body, Relationships, Silence, Truth, Intention, Purpose, Abundance
Themes: Choice, Boundaries, Perspective, Focus, Empathy, Allowing, Gratitude
Almost. In actuality, finding better balance is a process of returning to a natural state within us. We are born in a state of equilibrium: the mind, body, and spirit have been designed to work in harmony. It's just that as we grow, we absorb the fear of the world and begin to lose our alignment—our 'centered'ness—which contributes to our feelings of being out of balance.
So how do we return to a state of better balance? By removing the barriers to balance within us, many of them created by our own thoughts and behaviors. As I started writing about balance over 15 years ago I knew there must be a way to break old patterns and return to a healthier balanced state. In my book 21 Days to Better Balance, I highlight several of the ways I’ve found that have had the largest impact on my balance. Sometimes the best teacher is our own experience.
Much like eating a meal a bite-at-a-time, the book is portioned into 21 themes, each designed to bring you back into better balance with your mind (thoughts); body (feelings); and spirit (intuition). The themes are divided into a three-step process. Here is a quick review the 3 steps and the accompanying themes:
1) Awareness
Our powerful consciousness is absorbing and processing everything in our environment—sights, sounds, and smells—whether we realize it or not. In order to find better balance in our lives, we must first become aware of the factors that influence our balance.Themes: Thoughts, Feelings, Intuition, Frequency, Fear, Time, Flow
2) Alignment
Alignment happens both on the inside and outside of us. Alignment means that our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions are aligned with our deepest truths. Internally, this means that we strive to be conscious of our thoughts, feelings, and intuition so that our behaviors reflect our true values. Externally, this means that over time, we bring our attitudes, actions, and words closer to our fundamental beliefs.Themes: The Body, Relationships, Silence, Truth, Intention, Purpose, Abundance
3) Activation
Activation puts theory into practice and ideas into motion. Without activation, good ideas are only ideas. Activation is the key to implementation and the third step to finding better balance.Themes: Choice, Boundaries, Perspective, Focus, Empathy, Allowing, Gratitude
The mind, body, and spirit were designed to work in harmony and unity with one another. My hope is that the personal observations, insights, and analogies that I’ve used to find better balance in my life will help you find better balance in yours. After all, what good is wisdom if we don't pass it on?
Interested? Find the book and eBook here.
The Ambassador of Goodwill
Friday, January 27, 2012
Relationships Begin With You
Our relationships are one of the most important aspects of our lives. Our relationships help us define who we are and who we strive to become. They mirror our strongest feelings about ourselves and show us where we need to grow. Therefore, the first and most important relationship we need to develop is with ourselves. All other relationships—family, friends, coworkers, romantic partners—stem from this important relationship.
True love for oneself comes with the acceptance that all we have experienced and are currently experiencing is a necessary part of our own personal evolution. It also comes from a constant commitment to healing and repairing those parts of our lives where there is still pain, anger, or lack of resolution—which are all based in fear. The purpose of fear is to remind us where we need to place focus in our lives. Feelings such as self-doubt and impatience are clear indicators that we are having a difficult time balancing our priorities with our intentions, and the first person we will blame for that is ourselves. And that is painful. We blame ourselves for "not doing it right", for missing out on great opportunities, or for repeating the same mistakes. Although these feelings appear to be legitimate, they are based in fear and may cause us to feel powerless to change them.
True love for oneself comes with the acceptance that all we have experienced and are currently experiencing is a necessary part of our own personal evolution. It also comes from a constant commitment to healing and repairing those parts of our lives where there is still pain, anger, or lack of resolution—which are all based in fear. The purpose of fear is to remind us where we need to place focus in our lives. Feelings such as self-doubt and impatience are clear indicators that we are having a difficult time balancing our priorities with our intentions, and the first person we will blame for that is ourselves. And that is painful. We blame ourselves for "not doing it right", for missing out on great opportunities, or for repeating the same mistakes. Although these feelings appear to be legitimate, they are based in fear and may cause us to feel powerless to change them.
Fortunately, a key to assist us through these feelings is surrender. Not surrender in the form of quitting, but surrender as a means of allowing—releasing our need to: 1) control everything that is happening to us; 2) control those around us; and 2) controlling the need to know what is going to happen next. In other words, surrender is learning to stay present. Being truly present is, in itself, a challenging task especially when we are busy. But being present opens us to alignment, and alignment is the key to finding better balance with ourselves and others.
Another support we have are two helping hands: trust and faith. And the most powerful forms of those two amazing allies are the trust and faith we have in ourselves. Trust in yourself says, "There's nothing I have to have, nothing I have to do, and nothing I have to be, except exactly what I'm being right now." (compliments of Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations with God). We can only expect ourselves to show up each day, take things as they come, and do the best with the knowledge and information that we've been given. Loving yourself releases you from doing or being anything other than who and what you are right now. The rest of life is just "what it is". Faith says, "I was made for a purpose and that purpose is being fulfilled in every moment of my being." This state of being provides the basis for patience—the ability to know that we are in alignment with all that we are requesting in every moment regardless of when it shows up. There is a divine timing to all things and our trust and faith allows us to accept our reality with gratitude.
Remembering we are all Divine beings and believing we are perfectly aligned with our purpose in each and every moment—even when the moment may be challenging—gives us the opportunity to breathe, relax, and center ourselves. Remember: we each chose to come into this life to create the highest and most joyous experience of ourselves. When we are in alignment, the miracles we’ve personally requested will begin to come to us and we will regain our personal power to create what we truly want. Then, and only then, can we experience true self love.
Another support we have are two helping hands: trust and faith. And the most powerful forms of those two amazing allies are the trust and faith we have in ourselves. Trust in yourself says, "There's nothing I have to have, nothing I have to do, and nothing I have to be, except exactly what I'm being right now." (compliments of Neale Donald Walsch in Conversations with God). We can only expect ourselves to show up each day, take things as they come, and do the best with the knowledge and information that we've been given. Loving yourself releases you from doing or being anything other than who and what you are right now. The rest of life is just "what it is". Faith says, "I was made for a purpose and that purpose is being fulfilled in every moment of my being." This state of being provides the basis for patience—the ability to know that we are in alignment with all that we are requesting in every moment regardless of when it shows up. There is a divine timing to all things and our trust and faith allows us to accept our reality with gratitude.
Remembering we are all Divine beings and believing we are perfectly aligned with our purpose in each and every moment—even when the moment may be challenging—gives us the opportunity to breathe, relax, and center ourselves. Remember: we each chose to come into this life to create the highest and most joyous experience of ourselves. When we are in alignment, the miracles we’ve personally requested will begin to come to us and we will regain our personal power to create what we truly want. Then, and only then, can we experience true self love.
The Ambassador
Start the new year by coming into alignment with your thoughts, feelings, and intuition. Read 21 Days to Better Balance to get that jump start!
Conversations With God,
Neale Donald Walsch,
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